Recruitment is one of the most important aspects of human resource planning. It ensures the right kind and quality of employees are employed so as to achieve the organizational goals.
We create a pool of suitable and interested job applicants which involves a careful screening and testing of candidates.
We elicit information about the candidate’s motives and behavior, to assess personality, to check the factual information already given by him
Isha’s aims at selecting the best out of the most probable candidates for you
A successful employee selection depends on a clear understanding of the various job components and once you share your requirements, we assess each candidate in terms of skills, experience and qualifications, such as the person’s best fit to your company
Hence saving your valuable time.

Isha’s creates value by:

  • Not Depending Alone on Job Portals (We Have Our Own Database)
  • Ability to Reach Quickly to Potential Candidates
  • Trained in Head Hunting & Thorough Screening of Each Candidate